FOG and City of ABQ team up for June Hackathon

DataFest:ArtQuest is the name of the FOG Hackathon, designed to promote creative problem solving, and increase the level of transparency and open government, set for June 12 and June 19.

FOG and the City of Albuquerque Arts Department will host a two-weekend event. The first weekend participants will capture information about the city’s public art, including location, GPS coordinates, photos of the art in place, and the second weekend the IT participants will create with the data.

More than a year ago FOG Board Member Henry Lopez proposed FOG host a Hackathon to promote creative problem solving, increase the level of transparency of the selected project and attract new supporters. In a hackathon, participants collaborate in an extreme manner over a short period of time – all working on a particular project that highlights transparency and open government. We kept the idea alive and now it will be a reality this summer.


FOG and the City of Albuquerque Arts Department will host a two-weekend event. The first weekend participants will capture information about the city’s public art, including location, GPS coordinates, photos of the art in place, and the second weekend the IT participants will create applications with the data.

Registration will open the first week of June.

There are many problems associated with accessing electronic records and FOG believes that by promoting and hosting the Hackathon it can improve access to electronic records.

The activity may prove to be a key element to addressing and easing the backlog of Inspection of public records requests throughout the state.

  • • Rapid rates of technological change, growing data volumes and other pressures remain largely unchanged.
  • • It may have the added benefit of eliminating any potential barriers from records custodians.
  • • It is also an innovative way to reach another potential audience who can help FOG deliver its message of education, advocacy and litigation in places not previously reached.

The event is funded in part by the National Freedom of Information Coalition.




