Twenty-five New Mexico Legislators were brave enough to stand up for transparency and answer a survey conducted by FOG in late 2023. The legislators answered 12 questions ranging from modernizing the legislature to transparency and accountability with those responding showing support to strengthen and broaden the Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) and the Open Meetings Act (OMA).
In addition, 56 percent of those responding were in agreement that the current budget process is in need of reform to improve openness and transparency.
One legislator responded to the question by stating, “The process is too cumbersome and opaque for most to understand. Too much power is in too few hands. The budget is largely built before the Legislative session even begins.”
Legislators were not inclined to increase the length of the session with only 44 percent in favor of changing the session’s schedule.
When asked, “Would you support or oppose a measure providing for a permanent paid staffer for each legislator?” 48 percent indicated they would strongly support the measure, 16 percent would support the measure with 8 percent stating they would somewhat oppose the measure and 28 percent stating they would oppose the measure.
Another question asked, “If in the future, permanent paid staffers are provided for each legislator, which of the following do you believe the permanent paid staffers should be prohibited from engaging in to protect the actual and perceived integrity of the legislative process?” with 96 percent responding that paid staff should be barred from fundraising for a partisan candidate.
Lawmakers were asked to address input into rules asking “Would you support or oppose formally establishing a rule to ensure that the House Rules & Order of Business Committee and Senate Committee on Committees meetings be held in public and be required to webcast the proceedings in order to allow those outside of the Roundhouse to observe?” More than 68 percent of those responding said they were in favor of such a measure.
In the area of transparency and accountability, when asked, “Would you support or oppose a measure providing for a permanent paid staffer for each legislator?” 48 percent indicated they would strongly support the measure, 16 percent would support the measure with 8 percent stating they would somewhat oppose the measure and 28 percent stating they would oppose the measure.
Lawmakers were evenly split in their response to a question asking whether they would support a measure to provide funds to state agencies to create additional infrastructure to improve access to public records. Sixty-eight percent stated they would support a measure to amend IPRA to require agencies to post electronic recordings of virtual/hybrid meetings to the agency’s website within 10 days of the meeting similar to current law regarding 10-day timeline for the preparation of minutes.
Responses were overwhelmingly in favor of a measure to prohibit a public body from taking retaliatory action against a person who has submitted a request for public records under IPRA and also gave strong support to a question asking if advisory committees and task forces should be subject to the Open Meetings Act. The lawmakers also gave support to a question asking whether candidates for school boards be required to disclose their campaign contributions.
FOG sent each legislator a request to respond to the survey in order to provide New Mexicans with information as lawmakers weigh major changes in how the public’s business is conducted.
The legislators who responded to the survey: Rep. Gail Armstrong, Rep. John Block, Rep. Cynthia Borrego, Rep. Eleanor Chavez, Rep. Meredith Dixon, Rep. Mark Duncan, Rep. Natalie Figueroa, Rep. Susan Herrera, Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil, Rep. Joy Garrat, Rep. Tara Jaramillo, Rep. Alan Martinez, Rep. Jimmy Mason, Rep. Marian Matthews, Rep. Liz Thomson, Rep. Jim G. Townsend, Sen. Crystal Brantley, Sen. Siah Correa Hemphill, Sen. Daniel A. Ivey-Soto, Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Sen. Steve Neville, Sen. Greg Nibert, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Sen. Bill Tallman and Sen. Pat Woods.